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     The English program is designed to improve the students’ awareness of the importance of the English language in their personal and career development. Competence in the skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening is stressed. Emphasis is placed on developing comprehension, critical thinking skills, coherence, cogency, and fluency in the expression and communication of ideas. Literary works are selected for their excellence in content, style, and student interest. Through literature students are encouraged to examine various social values, to develop an appreciation of various literary styles, and to view reading as an enjoyable activity. Students in grades nine through twelve follow a full-year program in their appropriate phase level. These courses are designed to offer the student a four-year program encompassing all aspects of English. Successful completion of the preceding level is required before going on to the next level.

All students must pass 4 years (9, 10, 11, 12) of English for graduation.

William Shoemaker

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